Fabrication | Fall 2021


Instructor: Sarah Nail

With the idea of lineamenti in mind students will be asked to create linework that will allow thin gauge metal to fold to create a box. The cuts created by Rhino toolpaths will allow light to leak from within. This workshop will focus heavily on folding technique and the light conditions created from within. All the final boxes should be assembled from one piece of metal and use tabs to connect together. There will be a strong consideration of edge conditions, tolerance, and the affects of lighting the box from within.

Workshop 1


Jianing Yin & Aaron Weber


Nikshith Reddy Nagaraja Reddy & Andrew Hoover


Kelsey O'Brien & Claire Jiang


Boxian Zhao & Gabrielle Porter


Sai Saran Megha Parimi & Ghassan Mohammed R Alserayhi& Chengxiang Li


Workshop 2


Ryan Dowdle & Ellen Taube & Mitch Klecan


Maya Fraser & Elizabeth Ervin


Linhao Luo & Yanyu Liu


Jacob Nugent & Ben Calderon


Elliot Smithberger & Gayathri Sivakumar


Workshop 3


Stuti Bindlish & Zachary Keller


Pauline Gerd & Yisha Liu


Lexie Peterson & Xianyi Wang


Emma Powers & Katherine Shipman


Sonja Elise Millermaier & Raunak Desai


Sicong Zhang & Camy Trinh


Workshop 4


Joshua Powell & Jacob White & Tessa Broek


Siyuan Cheng & Chandana Rao


Connor Tuthill & Kendra Soler


Karel Venegas-Cabrera & Levi Fingerer


Eduardo Villamor & Tharanesh Varadharajan


Yalan Zhang & Chengdai Yang